Friday, September 18, 2009


Good day everybody…mmm raya is the day after tomorrow but I’m not going anywhere…jus celebrating it right here…huhuhuhu…

Btw to najmie, I don’t know maybe this year the raya mood is going somewhere…not with us…seriously I kinda feeling the same way…no mood to celebrate anything…

Might be the raya mood is hitting sumone else n not us…pity us right mie…huhuhuhu…btw selamat hari raya aidilfitri 2 everyone…this year my raya day will be totally blank n extremely bored with nothing much 2 enjoyed…hurmm maybe I’ve no luck this year…my bad…


  1. woahh, I'm mentioned in ur post.. cool lah!.. hahaha.. yeah, sgt takdak mood raya nih.. where did it all go hah?.. ayishhh..

    janji pegi semayang raya dah la.. hahaha.. merry aidilfitri dear, take care! (^^,)

  2. 2 la...
    dh ko xnk mention nme ak dlm blog ko...

    2la psl...
    rse cm xbes je nk rye...

    ye r 2...
    merry aidilfitri 2 u 2...
    send my regards 2 ur family members...
    i want my angpau during the convo ok...
    tc jgn men mercun bnyk2 au...

  3. opss sorry abg aan.
    cmnie, em p dekat dashboard dlu, then copy paste url chris dekat add tu. Ade kat dashboard, then follow, my url is

    anyway SELAMAT HARI RAYA! :)
